Lawful global workforce mobility
Permizon exists to provide service to companies wanting to employ international staff. This is what we enable via well established routines and internal process for work permit processing – pure and simple. We handle every legal procedure required to do so, allowing our clients to focus on their business while enjoying the benefits of convenient access to skilled employees from anywhere in the world.
All we do is work permits
It is our goal to be the company that enables the greatest number of employees from the global arena to work with companies in Sweden in full compliance with all relevant regulations. This requires focus on our part as we continuously work smarter, faster and secure when we service Swedish companies and their employees with work permits.
What we aim for
We want to be the go-to partner when a company needs to bring a skilled and fit-for-purpose employee across borders, thereby enabling more skilled employees to travel and work abroad. We do this by providing quality services. We aim to become the leading immigration service provider not only in Sweden, but also across the Nordic countries – and then beyond!
SWEDWORKS AB corporate identity number 559123-0304 has on 28 April 2023 attained the status of UC GOLD (HIGHEST CREDITWORTHINESS)
UC GOLD accreditation testifies that SWEDWORKS AB is a stable, reliable partner with which to do business. This credit rating is based on UC Risk Corporate, the market’s most reliable model for credit assessment. Updated on a daily basis, UC Risk indicates the likelihood of a company becoming insolvent within one year.
Since December 2022
Permizon / Swedworks AB belongs to the unique minority of companies that show strong growth in turnover, personnel and solidity in the Nordics and have qualified us for the UC Nordic Growth Certificate.
History and future
From one man’s vision to market leader
While the company was founded under a different name, it has existed since 2010, enjoying the privilege of satisfying hundreds of national and international customers – but it all started with one man.
Majid Ahmadian was born in Persia and has lived in Sweden since the mid-80’s. After almost two decades in the IT business, Majid performed a career pivot in 2009 and turned his focus towards immigration- and language-related services. He established the company under the name SwedWorks and later spun out the work permit division under its own brand, Permizon.
Doing our bit
What drove the founder was a clear desire to preserve and reinforce the international relations between Sweden and other countries. He wanted to empower Swedish businesses that needed to enhance their workforce and competitive power via resources from other countries around the world. This passion still drives the founder in his role as CEO and it remains at the core of the company Permizon.
In time, Permizon will do the same in other countries, doing our bit to bring the world closer together and enabling companies anywhere to create value that benefits their customers and communities.
The Permizon team
CEO. Founder
Case Manager, Advisor
Office Manager, Administration
Open positions
We are hiring
Permizon is an expanding company as more and more businesses realize the benefits we provide when they want to bring skilled employees into Sweden from the global arena.
Feel free to send us your resume if you believe that you can complement our team within specific work permit domain knowledge, customer service and communication with both Swedish companies and international staff, or other professional skills matching our core business.
Career opportunities
Growing the team
There are currently no open positions, but you may send your unsolicited application to